Thank you for your interest in our company. In order to save time and trouble we eliminated the typical “Dealer Application”. We found that they can be tedious, complicated and many times useless. You may choose to use a credit card for your purchases or request that we send your order UPS C.O.D. “Cashiers Check or Money Order Only”.
To receive dealer pricing from Leineweber Enterprises you will need to provide us with a photocopy of the documentation your state requires in order for your business to collect sales tax, indicating your current address. This may be scanned and e-mailed or sent to our fax number. Additionally, we will need both the mailing and shipping addresses for your business, as well as your telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address as applicable. If you are located in the state of California we will need the California Resale Certificate completed to set up a dealer account and each subsequent year in January.
Once we have reviewed and approved your request to become a dealer of Leineweber Enterprises’ products we will post your information on our website. Please complete the information below to be displayed. If you have a website please be sure to enter your url if you wish a link to be displayed in our dealer list.
Leineweber Enterprises P.O. Box 335 Yucca Valley, CA 92284